Honey is the product of the transformation, carried by bees, secretions of flowers (nectar) and the secretions of certain insects (honeydew). honey effects proprietàLa goodness of honey depends on two factors: the work of bees to produce it and by human intervention to extract it and make it available to the consumer. Honey stored by bees in the cells of the honeycomb, is removed by centrifugation, decanted into containers and reported in jars. These are the only processes which maintain intact the characteristics of the product to offer it exactly like they got the bees. Honey Honey valuable food deserves to get every day on our tables. Energy food consisting of simple sugars (fructose-glucose) easily digestible, contains: enzymes, vitamins, trace elements, substances and antibiotic-like substances that can promote the growth processes. The areas of the body where the honey exerts its benefits: Prime Respiratory decongestant, soothing cough Muscles: increased physical strength and stamina Heart: Action cardiotropa Liver: protective and detoxifying Digestive System: protective action, stimulating , regulatory Reni: diuretic blood: anti-anemic action Bones: fixation of calcium and magnesium is recommended a constant consumption of 20-30 g / day in place of refined sugar, unless contraindicated (eg. Diabetes).
Lime honey: in case of nervous excitability, insomnia Honey of thyme and eucalyptus: in the case of respiratory infections Honey Citrus: antispasmodic and sedative Honey Rosemary: liver failure, colescistopatie Chestnut honey: tonic, mineralizing HONEY: Not everyone knows ... mieleLa that crystallization is a natural process and can be a verification of its authenticity. There are honey that crystallize quickly and honeys, less frequent, that are preserved in liquid longer (acacia). By heating to 45 ° C the liquid honey back, but it should be noted that, once this temperature enzymes, vitamins and other active substances are damaged. In the industry of honey is very widespread pasteurization which is capable of stably liquefy the honey but, due to the high temperatures reached, it provides a considerable biological damage to the product.
NB: to taste the honey is recommended for those who used it as a sweetener in milk or other drinks, not to add it ever when they are hot, but only and always when they are drinkable, because too high a temperature removes much of the honey its properties. There are many types of honey, different in color, aroma and crystallization; the variety of honey depends on the source from which the nectar from the production area and the weather changes.
The honey keeps well but it is important not to let age too to avoid the loss of properties and characteristics. The maximum recommended storage is two years.
Honey and Sue Properties da http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/miele.htm