Fresh Fruit
Fresh Fruit According to the classification of SINU (Italian Human Nutrition), fresh fruit is a set of products riunificabili in VI and VII of the food group: VI) vegetables and fruits yellow or green sources of vitamin A, VII) vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. Fruit - Types of FruttaIn fact, the fresh fruit is characterized by many other nutritional vitamins and these represent only a proportion of the important nutritional intake of fruit. Fresh fruits, if consumed in appropriate portions (400-800 g / day) and appropriately contextualized according to the composition of the diet (to avoid overflowing with simple sugars), is a cornerstone of human nutrition. Fresh fruit makes first large amounts of water, easing the maintenance of hydration even in people who neglect or do not feel thirsty. Hydration is a key to maintaining homeostasis of the organism and effectively prevents some potentially harmful conditions such as fatigue failure and metabolic acidosis. From the energy point of view, the fresh fruit brings a quantity of calories rather heterogeneous, both according to the botanical species that about the seasonality of the fruit. Ranges from 16kcal / 100g watermelon to 72kcal / 100g of mandarins, mostly provided by fructose. Obviously, there are also fresh fruit particularly with a caloric nutritional composition that deviates from the average; It is the case of the coconut (364 kcal / 100g and 35g of lipids), avocado (231 kcal / 100g and 23g of lipids), chestnuts (165 kcal and 25,3g of starch) and so on. The amount of lipids (some exceptions) is reduced but mainly composed of unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (also essential), while the protein is of low biological value and quantitatively irrelevant. Conversely, noteworthy is the high intake of soluble dietary fiber. It consists predominantly of water-soluble polymers, greatly contributes to the achievement of the minimum daily (30g / day) useful for maintaining the integrity and intestinal, as prebiotic, the tropism of the natural bacterial flora colic. The vitamin content is excellent; as already explained, vitamin C (ac. ascorbic) and vitamin A (β-carotene) are the masters, but are also seen good amount of tocopherols (vitamin E) and small amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid and vitamin K. With regard to the framework salt, remember (even supporters of recent "theories" nutritional) that fresh fruit is, together with the vegetables and whole grains, the food group that contributes most to the contribution of alkaline ions and in particular of magnesium (Mg). There are also potassium (K), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se) and copper (Cu). A word should be spending more to illustrate the antioxidant potential of fresh fruit; we know that at the cellular level these molecules represent a real shield against oxidative stress, then against aging, carcinogenesis and atherogenesis. Among the most abundant antioxidant fruit remember the vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, phenolic substances (resveratrol but not only!), Phytoestrogens (isoflavones) etc
Fruit - Fresh and dried fruit - Nutritional da http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/alimentazione/frutta.html#2